Black Wildebeest
Connochaetes gnou
Black wildebeest are dark brown to black in color, males being darker in color than females. Both sexes become lighter in coat color in the summer, and develop shaggier coats in the winter. This bristly mane is cream to white in color and black at the tips. Males stand 111 to 121 cm high and can be up to 2m in length, females are slightly smaller. Paired horns curve down, forward, and then up, like hooks, and are up to 78 cm in length.
Mass: 110 to 157 kg; avg. 133.50 kg (242 to 345.4 lbs; avg. 293.7 lbs)
Huntable Species
Depending on the wish list and the availability of trophies, hunting is also done on other farms in Namibia.