Sable Antelope

Hippotragus niger
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Sable Antelope

Hippotragus niger
Sable Antelope
Average length of horns: 102cm. Both sexes carry horns, but those of the bull are longer and more robust. The transversely ridged horns rise up from the skull and then sweep backwards in a pronounced curve. The adult bull is shiny black with sharply contrasting white under parts and inner thighs. Cows and younger bulls are usually reddish brown above. The black and white facial markings are conspicuous. The face is mainly white, with a broad black blaze from the forehead to the nose and a black stripe from below the eye almost to the muzzle. There is an erect, fairly long mane running from the top of the neck to just beyond the shoulders. The ears are long and narrow.

Mass: 180 to 270 kg; avg. 230 kg

Huntable Species

Depending on the wish list and the availability of trophies, hunting is also done on other farms in Namibia.